Summer internship

overview of postion

Memorial Baptist Church is interested in hiring an intern each summer. This internship is designed to assist the ministerial staff in serving and ministering within the congregation, while simultaneously receiving valuable work/ministry experience in a nurturing and encouraging environment. The ideal candidate for this position will be someone who is committed to Christ and wants to grow both personally and spiritually; has a heart for ministering to others and desires to be better equipped for building up Christ’s church; has a teachable spirit and an eagerness to learn; thrives working alongside others in a team environment; and is gifted with strong communication skills. This position will average 30-35 hours/week.

potential duties and responsibilities

The particular duties of this internship will be shaped according to the interests and giftedness of the candidate, while also considering the current needs of the congregation. At the beginning of the internship, the candidate and the senior pastor will map out the parameters of the position- including goals and responsibilities. Some of the potential responsibilities will include:

  • Assisting in ministries to children and youth. This includes working with our student and children’s ministers in planning, organizing, and implementing events, assisting with communication, helping with camps, etc. 
  • Planning worship. The candidate will work alongside the senior pastor, worship leader, and other staff members to help prepare worship services. 
  • Leading worship. According to the capacity and interests of the candidate, they will have the opportunity to help lead worship in a variety of ways.
  • Helping with live-streaming and other technical needs of the church. 
  • Communication. Helping the church in all areas of communication, with a particular emphasis on social media and other digital communication. 
  • Teaching. To the extent that the candidate feels comfortable, there may be teaching opportunities including Sunday school, Wednesday nights, etc. 
  • Assisting with administrative tasks within the church.
  • Pastoral care. As appropriate, there may be opportunities for the candidate to work alongside our ministerial staff in pastoral care situations. 
  • Other duties as assigned by the staff.