Randy Schilb served as Minister of Music at Memorial Baptist Church from February of 1980 until February of 2021. This scholarship is to honor Randy and to provide a means for helping young people grow in Christ. Several research reports indicate that 86% or more of high school youth that are active in churches in high school, drop out of church during their college years. This scholarship is one way to help youth stay active in church during their college years. Recipients will be required to participate and sing in the adult choir at Memorial Baptist Church. Scholarships are given from the earnings of the endowment.
This scholarship is maintained & managed by the Missouri Baptist Foundation (MBF), 400 East High St, Suite 500, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Any gift to this scholarship is tax deductible.
To apply for the scholarship:
- Fill out the application and mail to: Memorial Baptist Church, Choir Scholarship, 1634 Paris Rd, Columbia MO 65201
To make a donation:
- You can write a check to Memorial Baptist Church, 1634 Paris Rd, Columbia MO 65201, and in the memo area write: Schilb Scholarship
If you have any questions, please contact:
Irv Cockriel Randy Schilb
3750 Miller Dr. Appt. 1310 5859 E Waterfront Dr. S
Columbia, MO 65201 Columbia, MO 65202
cockrieli@gmail.com randy@memorialbaptist.org
(Cell) 573-999-9567 (Church) 573-443-1408
(Home) 573-449-2175 (Home) 573-474-2992