
  • Couples and individuals will be paired into groups of eight. (Singles will be paired with another single)
  • DF8 groups will meet one time per month for dinner at one of the four residences, until all residences have hosted. (If unable to host, other accommodations can be made; i.e. meet at the park or church)
  • Host residence will provide main entree for the meals. The other three "couples" will provide salad, vegetable, and dessert.
  • DF8 Kick Off will be at MBC on April 14th at 6:00p.m. with a potluck dinner for all participants [MBC will provide BBQ meat]. Diners will be assigned groups that night, have a get acquainted activity, and schedule their first dinner.
  • Sign up here via Google Forms or in the Gathering Area by April 10th.